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History of StratML

A Worldwide Web of Intentions, Stakeholders, and Results

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    This is the detailed history of the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) standard:


    • StratML Candidate Elements spreadsheet, January 18, 2006
    • Documentation provided at, including:
      • StratML Value Proposition White Paper, April 18, 2006
        • was shut down and the records it contained are no longer available but the text of the white paper is available here and also been archived here by
      • Presentation to the xmlCoP, September 20, 2006
        • was shut down and the records it contained are no longer available but the presentation is available in HTML & PPT
    • On December 1, 20106, NIST created an XML Instance Validation service to enable remote validation of files against schemas, including the StratML schema. KC Morris announced the service on the XML CoP's listserv. For additional information, see NIST XML Schema Validation Updates page.



    • OMB Circular A-119 directs agencies to particpate in the development and use of voluntary consensus standards.
    • The first meeting/telecon of AIIM's StratML Standard Committee, January 10, 2008.
    • Adam Schwartz's February 8, 2008, graphical depiction of the Performance Plan/Report task group's proposed extensions to core schema (See page 2. Task group members included Adam, Owen, John Chickering & Jim St. Clair.)
    • Collaboration Expedition Workshop Session on StratML, February 19, 2008
    • Comments requested on the names and definitions of elements in the StratML core schema and white paper. Comments posted on the listserv.
      • Oliver Recklies' Comments, March 12, 2008
      • Compilation of comments on proposed additions and changes to the initially deliverable StratML core vocabulary and schema during the first phase of the project, April 24, 2008
    • Strategic, Interoperable CM, Article in eDoc Magazine, March/April 2008
    • Carl Frappaolo's response to comment on the potential use of StratML to aid findability and relevancy ranking of content, May 8, 2008
    • Christopher Dorobek's Federal Computer Week (FCW) blog on organizational design flaws, May 27, 2008
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML Core Framework, version 3, compiled by Adam Schwartz, June 3, 2008
    • June 5 meeting Agenda & Minutes from May 8 meeting
    • List of action items compiled by Betsy Fanning as of June 4, 2008
    • Simplified graphic depicting the performance plan/report value chain, compiled by Owen Ambur, June 4, 2008
    • Candidate standards for potential reuse as the organizational identification elements in StratML proposed by Betty Harvey on June 5, 2008.
    • Minutes & action items from June 5, 2008, meeting.
    • Federal Computer Week (FCW)/Government Computer News (GCN) webinar, sponsored by Mark Logic, presentation on XML in the Federal Government, July 29, 2008
    • August 21, 2008, Teleconference agenda | June 26 meeting minutes | action items
    • September 18, 2008, teleconference agenda, action items & draft minutes from August 21 telecon
    • Proposal for presentation at XML-in-Practice 2008 conference, submitted September 18, 2008
    • Draft Use Case for consideration by the W3C's Electronic Governance Interest Group (eGov IG), subsequently rebranded as a Community Group.
    • Summary for Accredited Standards Committee (ASC X12) Government Subcommittee (X12G), September 19, 2008
    • Comparison of StratML element defintions to those with the same names in ECCMA's Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD)
    • Demonstration of HTML & PDF stylesheets for StratML documents by G. Ken Holman of Crane Softwrights Ltd. on his resources page
    • Betty Harvey's initial draft revision of the StratML schema including the namespace and IDs attributes on each element
      • Screen shots (in Word format) showing how the revised schema appears in an InfoPath form, October 10, 2008
    • Betty Harvey's second draft revision, dated October 18, based upon discussion on the October 17 teleconference
    • Owen Ambur's revision containing definitions conforming to the glossary, October 21, 2008
    • Owen Ambur's revision with additional changes, as indicated in the change log within the schema, October 23, 2008
      • Screen shots of the schema as it appears in an InfoPath form
    • October 17, 2008, teleconference agenda, action items & minutes from September 18 telecon
    • First draft of StratML standard document posted for review by StratML Committee
    • October 17, 2008, teleconference minutes & action items list
    • Draft of the StratML core schema, November 4, 2008
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML Core Framework, version 4, compiled by Adam Schwartz, November 6, 2008
    • Simplified performance plan/report value chain graphic showing the MeasurementFrequency element, posted November 6, 2008
    • Presentation at XML-in-Practice 2008 Conference, December 9, 2008
    • virtual meeting, December 13, 2008 - 20904 & 90260 zip code notices
    • Government Computer News (GCN) Article on StratML, December 19, 2008
    • Draft minutes & action items from January 6, 2009, meeting


    • February 24 draft agenda, action items, and draft minutes from February 10, 2009, teleconference
    • Conceptual diagram of elements contained in the Social Security Administration's (SSA) FY 2009 Performance Plan compiled by Ari Knausenberger on February 10, 2009
    • Other agency performance plans:
      • Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
      • Department of Education (ED)
      • Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
      • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Citizens' Report
      • National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
      • Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
      • Small Business Administration (SBA)
    • M-09-10, Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), February 18, 2009, referencing the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) on page 13 (PDF p. 15).
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML performance plan framework, version 6, compiled by Adam Schwartz, February 23, 2009
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML performance plan framework, version 7, compiled by Adam Schwartz, February 24, 2009
    • Andy Bailey's draft fragment for a StratML prototype for the Governor of the Department of Antioquia in Colombia, South America, with comments in Java/C++ format, February 24, 2009
    • Draft standard and ballot circulated for Committee approval on March 2, 2009
    • Public Printer's Letter to President Obama Regarding Transparency in Government, Robert C. Tapella, Public Printer of the United States, March 9, 2009
    • Sample of objectives from the Obama administration's site using StratML strategic and performance plan elements, compiled by Adam Schwartz on March 9, 2009
    • Draft schema for Part 1 as of March 14, 2009, with namespace changed to (instead of
    • OpenStrategy Overview,, September 18, 2008 (posted March 23, 2009)
    • Simplified performance plan/report value chain graphic, posted March 23, 2009
    • Agenda for meeting and teleconference scheduled for April 2, from 9:00 - noon, at the AIIM conference in room 102B at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML performance plan framework, version 9, compiled by Adam Schwartz, April 2, 2009
    • Second draft of the XSD for Part 2, Performance Plans and Reports, provided by Sylvia Webb, April 13, 2009
    • April 14 agenda, action items, and minutes of April 2 meeting
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML performance plan framework, version 10, compiled by Adam Schwartz, April 14, 2009
    • Third draft of the XSD for Part 2, Performance Plans and Reports, provided by Sylvia Webb, April 14, 2009
      • Documentation provided by Sylvia on April 14 - DOC & CHM
      • InfoPath form in Word format prepared by Owen on April 15
    • April 28, 2009, telecon (unofficial due to lack of quorum) agenda items:
      1. Technical correction to change the name of the Id attribute to Identifier
      2. Inclusion of the NameAndDescription element pair as children of the StratML Core root element, so that plans can be named and described apart from the organizations to which they may apply,
      3. Making usage of the Plan/Name element mandatory and limited to exactly one instance (usage of the Plan/Description element would be optional), and
      4. Changing the Organization element to be optional and repeatable so that more than one organization can be associated with a plan but no organization must be associated with it.
      5. AIIM's change/version control process and plans for Parts 2 & 3
      6. XML Naming & Design Rules (NDR) to apply to StratML
    • Graphical depiction of the StratML performance plan framework, version 11, compiled by Adam Schwartz, April 28, 2009
    • Abstract for proposed presentation at XML-in-Practice conference, submitted May 8, 2009
    • InfoPath rendition (in Word format) of the schema for Part 1, Strategic Plans, May 9, 2009
    • InfoPath form, May 18, 2009 (InfoPath required)
      • Screen shots in Word format (for those who don't have InfoPath)
    • Schema for Part 1, Strategic Plans, with additional element definitions incorporated by Sylvia Webb, May 28, 2009
      • Microsoft Compressed HTML (CHM) report auto-generated by the GEFEG software and provided by Sylvia
        • Quick Start Guide for CHM
      • Documentation provided by Art Colman of Drybridge Consulting in MS Word format as well as raw XML text that can be saved and opened in Word, May 28, 2009
      • Interactive HTML view provided by David Webber, May 29, 2009
    • StratML referenced in Beth Noveck's wrap-up to open government brainstorming session on collaboration, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) blog, June 16, 2009 (Broken link archived on WayBack Machine.) Her reference was prompted by these suggestions posted in the Open Government Brainstorm on IdeaScale:
      • Erick Gonzalez of Oracle proposes StratML documents for inclusion in
      • Owen Ambur proposes use of StratML in IRS's process for appoving tax-exempt status for 501(c)(3) nonfprofit organizations
    • Ballots due on StratML Part 1 by July 1, 2009
    • StratML Committee telecon conducted July 9, 2009 - Agenda and draft standard and proposed editorial changes distributed to Committee
    • Editorial corrections to Part 1 were discussed and finalized on July 9, 2009, after which the draft was forwarded to the AIIM Standards Board and to ANSI for a 45-day review.
    • StratML documents converted to conform to the latest version of the schema by Art Colman of Drybridge Consulting on July 27, 2009 - Index & URLs
    • Draft schema for StratML Part 2 compiled by Sylvia Webb, August 10, 2009
    • UnitsML schema provided by Sylvia Webb, August 11, 2009
    • StratML element names translated into Farsi by Pooyan Zamanian, August 20, 2009
    • July 9 meeting minutes & agenda for August 27 meeting
    • Agenda for StratML Committee telecon, September 10, 2009
      • Betsy Fanning's message transmitting the action items, August 27 meeting minutes, and draft FAQ, September 8, 2009
      • Draft talking points, September 5, 2009 - HTML | PDF
    • StratML referenced in W3C eGov IG's Working Draft entitled Publishing Open Government Data, September 8, 2009
    • CTO Aneesh Chopra speaks at Gov 2.0 conference on September 9. 2009, and reportedly says:
      • ... there must be a structured approach to open government, including a schedule for the public release of government data in machine-readable formats.
      • ... government agencies should engage the public in developing open government plans and publish their completed plans.
    • Jim Disbrow submits StratML for consideration in the President's Save Award program, September 23, 2009.
    • Presentation for XML-in-Practice conference on September 30, 2009 - PPT | HTML
    • October 7, 2009, meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of September 10 meeting
    • Graphical depiction version 12 provided by Adam Schwartz, October 7, 2009
    • Revised draft schema for Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, compiled by Sylvia Webb, October 7, 2009
    • On October 9, 2009, StratML Part 1, Standard Recommended Practice for Strategic Plans, was approved as an American national standard and published as ANSI/AIIM 21:2009
    • Comments on draft FAQ requested by November 2
    • StratML Committee telecon scheduled for Wednesday, November 4, 2009, postponed till November 11 due to lack of quorum.
    • Peformance Plan schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, November 6, 2009
      • Performance Plan data dictionary, version 1.0, compiled by Art Colman, November 6, 2009
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plan, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, November 9, 2009
      • StratML Part 2, Performance Plan, draft data dictionary, compiled by Art Colman, November 9, 2009
      • Screen shot of InfoPath form in Word format, compiled by Owen Ambur, November 9, 2009
    • November 11, 2009, meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of October 7, 2009, meeting
    • Performance plans identified as potential test use cases for Part 2 by Adam Schwartz on October 15, 2009: NARA | FDA | DHS/IG | Smithsonian | GSA | DOS | DOI/FWS | DoEd | DOL | DOE/ONE
    • Graphical depiction version 13 provided by Adam Schwartz, November 12, 2009
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plan, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, November 19, 2009
      • StratML Part 2, Performance Plan, draft data dictionary, compiled by Art Colman, November 19, 2009
      • Schema revisions comparison, compiled by Art Colman, November 19, 2009
    • StratML frequently asked questions (FAQ) posted November 24, 2009
    • StratML Committee telecon, December 2, 2009
      • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plan, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, December 1, 2009
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plan, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, December 2, 2009
    • AIIM announcement of StratML Part 1 (ANSI/AIIM 21:2009), December 17, 2009
    • Graphical depiction version 15 provided by Adam Schwartz, December 22, 2009
    • Wikipedia article restored (and subsequently re-deleted) December 30, 2009
    • GAO's performance and accountability report (PAR), brought to our attention by Joe Carmel on December 31, 2009


    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plan, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, January 3, 2010
    • StratML Part 1, Standard Recommended Practice for Strategic Plans, available for purchase at AIIM's catalog
    • As of January 5, 2010, the XML schema (XSD) for StratML Part 1 is now freely available for usage at
    • January 6, 2010, agenda, action items & minutes of December 2, 2009, telecon [Note: Due to lack of a quorum, an informal working group discussion was conducted, rather than an official committee meeting. Instead of minutes, informal notes were documented on the listserv.]
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft provided by Art Colman, January 18, 2010
    • January 20, 2010, agenda & dial-in instructions
    • February 3, 2010, agenda, action items, and minutes from January 20, 2010, telecon
    • Overview presentation on StratML posted on AIIM site February 2010
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, February 1, 2010
    • StratML referenced in Collaboration section of the OpenGov Playbook, February 4, 2010
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, February 4, 2010
    • On March 1, 2010, Alice Marshall published an article in the Potomac Technology Culture Examiner entitled "Owen Ambur talks about his work for the federal government, XML, and standards".
    • March 17, 2010, StratML Committee meeting notes
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, March 24, 2010
      • StratML Part 2, Performance Plan, draft data dictionary, compiled by Art Colman, March 24, 2010
      • Art's explanation of the changes
      • InfoPath form compiled by Owen Ambur on March 28, 2010
      • InfoPath form compiled by Owen Ambur on March 29, 2010
    • March 31, 2010, StratML Committee meeting notes
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, April 8, 2010
    • First draft of standard document for Part 2, compiled by Owen Ambur, April 18, 2010
    • StratML committee teleconference conducted, May 5, 2010, using March 17 agenda plus discussion of NIEM
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Owen Ambur, April 24, 2010
      • Screen shots of InfoPath form implementing revised draft schema, compiled by Owen Ambur, April 25, 2010
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, May 5, 2010
    • May 19, 2010, agenda, action items, and minutes of May 5 meeting
    • Minutes from June 2, 2010, meeting
    • InfoPath form compiled by Owen Ambur, June 19, 2010
    • Screen shots of InfoPath form for StratML Part 2, compiled by Owen Ambur, June 19, 2010
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, June 1, 2010
      • Comparison of June 1 & April 24 versions of the schema for Part 2, compiled by Art Colman, June 1, 2010
      • Art's explanatory note
      • StratML Part 2, Performance Plan, draft data dictionary, compiled by Art Colman, August 2, 2010
    • Revised draft of InfoPath form compiled by Owen Ambur on June 25, 2010.
      • NARA's 2010 Performance Plan rendered in StratML format as a test case for Part 2 by Owen Ambur, June 26, 2010 - with and without InfoPath processing instructions.
      • Open Government Plan Evaluation Criteria rendered in StratML format as another test case for Part 2 format by Owen Ambur, July 28, 2010
    • Simplified schema for StratML Part 2, compiled by Owen Ambur, August 12, 2010
      • Screen shot of InfoPath form based upon simplified schema compiled by Owen Ambur, August 12, 2010
      • Enterprise Architecture Management Maturity Framework, Version 2 (EAMMF2) converted to conform to simplified schema for StratML Part 2 by Owen Ambur, August 14, 2010
      • Partial conversion of the Department of Education's FY2009 performance plan compiled by Owen Ambur, August 24, 2010
    • August 25 agenda & minutes from June 2, 2010, meeting
    • Second draft of standard document for Part 2, compiled by Adam Schwartz, August 9, 2010
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, August 27, 2010
      • Graphical depiction in .gif & .docx formats provided by Sylvia Webb, September 1, 2010
      • Simplified subset schema provided by Sylvia Webb, September 1, 2010
        • Graphical depiction of the subset schema in .gif & .docx formats provided by Sylvia Webb, September 1, 2010
        • Graphical depiction of the Value Chain provided by Sylvia Webb, September 1, 2010
    • September 8 meeting agenda, action items, and draft minutes of the August 25 meeting
    • StratML Part 2, Peformance Plans and Reports, schema, revised draft compiled by Art Colman, September 17, 2010
    • October 6 meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of September 8 meeting
    • Simplified schema for Part 2, compiled by Owen Ambur, October 1, 2010
      • Screen shots of graphical depiction of schema in Stylus Studio, provided by Owen Ambur, October 5, 2010
      • Screen shot of InfoPath form provided by Owen Ambur, October 5, 2010
      • Test cases:
        • Partial conversion of GAO's FY 2009 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), compiled by Owen Ambur, October 4, 2010
        • Partial conversion of the Department of Education's FY 2009 Performance Report, compiled by Owen Ambur, October 5, 2010
        • Partial conversion of the Smithsonian Institution's FY 2009 & FY 2010 Performance Plan, compiled by Owen Ambur, October 8, 2010
      • Sample file provided by Andre Cusson, October 10, 2010
    • Department of Labor's (DOL) FY 2009 performance plan as a test case, provided by Owen Ambur, October 19, 2010
    • Revised draft schema for Part 2, compiled by Owen Ambur, October 20, 2010, with the following change: Made Role repeatable
    • October 20 meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of October 6 meeting
    • November 3 meeting agenda & action items & minutes of October 20 meeting
    • Data dictionary for Part 2 provided by Art Colman, November 8, 2010
    • Revised draft of standards document provided by Adam Schwartz, November 16, 2010
    • November 17 meeting agenda, action items & minutes of November 3 meeting
    • November 17 draft meeting minutes
    • December 1 meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of November 17 meeting. Note: Due to last-minute scheduling conflicts for a couple key participants, the December 1 meeting was canceled.
    • Revised draft schema for Part 2, compiled by Andre Cusson, December 8, 2010
    • Revised draft of standards document provided by Adam Schwartz, December 9, 2010
    • Agenda for December 15, 2010, meeting
    • Revised draft schema for Part 2 compiled by Art Colman, December 15, 2010
    • Revised draft of standards document for Part 2 provided by Adam Schwartz, December 27, 2010


    • January 5, 2011, agenda, action items, and minutes of December 15, 2010, meeting
    • January 5, 2011, meeting minutes & action items
    • March 22, 2011, meeting agenda
    • March 22, 2011, meeting minutes and action items
    • Documentation of the differences between StratML Parts 1 & 2 compiled by Art Colman of Drybridge Techonologies, April 8, 2011
    • April 12, 2011, blog in which Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez references StratML (in Spanish).
    • On June 1, 2011, Art Colman created a data dictionary documenting in readily comprehensible form the structures and definitions of the elements in the schema as of that date.
    • On July 27, 2011, Art Colman created a spreadsheet comparing StratML Part 2 to a strawman draft for Part 3.
    • See also the site and OMB Memorandum M-11-31, Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government, August 17, 2011
    • On August 8, 2011, StratML Part 2, Perfomance Plans and Reports, was approved as an American national standard and published as ANSI/AIIM 22:2011.
    • August 24, 2011, meeting agenda
    • September 22, 2011, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from August 24, 2011, meeting
    • October 6, 2011, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from September 22, 2011, meeting
    • October 20, 2011, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from October 6, 2011, meeting
    • In response to dialog on the October 20 teleconference, Art Colman offered a proposal to make the StratML schema more easily extensible, such as by OMB to meet GPRAMA requirements.
    • November 2, 2011, stawman draft of the schema for Part 3.
    • November 3, 2011, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from October 20, 2011, meeting
    • November 14, 2011, expanded "kitchen sink" strawman draft schema and InfoPath form containing additional elements that may or may not warrant inclusion in StratML Part 3.
      • For those who don't have InfoPath, screen shots of the November 14, 2011, draft InfoPath form are available in MS Word (.docx) and HTML formats.
    • OMB has documented in a draft entity relationship diagram (ERD), dated December 6, 2011, the extensions to StratML Part 2 they are planning to incorporate into the performance data standard (PDS) for the site to address the additional data requirements of the GPRAMA.
      • Some of those requirements are documented in this compilation prepared by Owen Ambur on December 11, 2011. He has also:
        • Annotated the Act to document provisions already addressed in the elements of StratML Parts 1 & 2 as well as those yet to be addressed in Part 3
        • Compiled a preliminary mapping of the elements of the site in HTML and Excel format; and
        • Begun developing an InfoPath form, dated November 2, 2011, demonstrating how the requirements of the GPRAMA might be met. For those who don't have InfoPath, some screen shots (of the May 27 version of the form) are available in .docx (MS Word) as well as HTML format. The HTML rendition includes bookmarks that are cross-referenced in the annotated rendtion of the GMA.
    • December 1, 2011, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from November 3, 2011, meeting
    • On December 9, 2011, Owen Ambur led a birds-of-a-feather discussion StratML and social media at the Strategic Planning Innovation conference in New York City.
      • Conference Brochure | Agenda (see BOF breakout session at 13:00 on December 9) | Abstract for Owen's presentation
      • Owen's presentation in PowerPoint (PPT) & XML Paper Specification (XPS) & Portable Document Format (PDF).
      • Owen's interview recorded by the IE Group.


    • January 12, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from December 9, 2011, meeting
    • January 26, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from January 12, 2012, meeting
    • February 9, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from January 26, 2012 meeting
    • On February 13, 2012, StratML was approved for posting as a semantic asset on the European Commission's (EC) Joinup collaboration service.
    • On February 13, 2012, David Webber provided a CAM template evalution and PNG graphic for the strawman schema.
    • On February 26, 2012. Art Colman provided a data dictionary for the draft schema -- DOCX & PDF
    • March 1, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from February 9, 2012, meeting
    • A strawman draft schema, dated March 1, 2012, for Part 3.
    • March 15, 2012 meeting agenda & minutes & action items from March 1, 2012, meeting
    • March 15, 2012, meeting minutes & March 29, 2012, agenda & action items
    • Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez proposed that the government of Spain incorporate usage of the StratML standard into its draft Law on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance, April 9, 2012
    • April 12, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from March 29, 2012, meeting
    • This document, dated April 12, 2012, contains screen shots of a complete InfoPath form broken down into sections showing 21 potential extensions from Part 2 to Part 3, including summaries of the results of the Committee's discusssions on each point.
    • April 26, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from April 12. 2012, meeting. Note: We failed to achieve a quorum. So no official business was conducted. However, Allyson Ugarte, Betsy Fanning, and Owen Ambur had a good discussion with Hudson Hollister about the DATA Act.
    • Responses to the comments on Part 1 received in the ISO process were drafted and circulated on the listserv on April 26, 2012.
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, April 23, 2012
    • OMB Performance Data Standard (PDS) as of May 2, 2012
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, May 7, 2012
    • Responses to comments on StratML Part 1 posted to the ISO/TC 171/SC 2 eCommittee by Betsy Fanning, May 8, 2012.
      • In response to comments in the ISO process, the the FirstName element was renamed GiveName, LastName was renamed Surname, and an attribute was added to the Stakeholder element to enable typing as Individual, Organization, or Generic_Group
    • May 10, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes (revised) & action items from April 12, 2012, meeting
    • May 31, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from May 10, 2012, meeting
    • Revised draft schema for StratML Part 3, containing a regular expression for Percentage Type to be applied to Weighting attribute for qualitative Performance Indicators, compiled by Art Colman, June 3, 2012
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, June 4, 2012
    • June 21, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from May 31, 2012, meeting
      • Note: We failed by one person to achieve a quorum to conduct business on our June 21 teleconference. However, Sylvia Webb, Allyson Ugarte, Betsy Fanning, and Owen Ambur had a good, informal discussion. Sylvia and Allyson are now making progress on the NIEM profile and Owen will begin drafting the text for the standards document for Part 3. Betsy will continue working to address comments on Part 1 in the ISO process.
    • Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez's presentation for the virtual conference conducted in association with the International Open Government Data Conference, July 6, 2012
      • Copy on
    • July 19, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from May 31, 2012, meeting
    • Guide to the IEEE Student Branch and GOLD Congress, July 25 - 29, 2012 (Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez's StratML workshop is referenced on page 15.)
      • IEEE Workshop on StratML, July 27, 2012
        • Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez's presentation - Copy with broken links to site fixed posted on October 3, 2013. (As a "benefit" of the Adminstration's initiatve to reduce the number of .gov domains, the site is now at
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, August 7, 2012
    • August 9, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from July 19, 2012, meeting
      • Note: Sylvia Webb had a last-minute conflict and was unable to participate in our August 9 meeting. So we did not receive her update on the NIEM profile and failed to achieve a quorum to conduct business officially. However, Andre Cusson, Allyson Ugarte, Betsy Fanning, and Owen Ambur had a good, informal discussion. With respect to StratML Part 2, Owen will incorporate the revised data dictionary provided by Art Colman and Betsy will issue a ballot seeking approval to change Part 3 from a standard to a best practice document. Betsy and Owen will also work on finalizing responses to the comments received on Part 1 in the ISO process.
      • August 9, 2012, meeting minutes & action items
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, August 19, 2012
    • Yuri Hohlov provided Russian language translations for the StratML core elements for inclusion in the StratML glossary, August 31, 2012
    • AIIM originally acquired the domain as the namespace for the StratML standard. However, AIIM's marketing department inadvertently failed to renew it and it was acquired by Sebastian Snopeck of Poland. Owen Ambur contacted him in August 2012 about allowing AIIM to reclaim the domain and he indicated he would help with that after he returned from vacation. However, subsequent efforts to follow up with him have been unsuccessful. The history of the domain as of October 2, 2012, is documented at
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, October 28, 2012
    • Screen shots showing how the Part 3 schema appears in an InfoPath form, October 28, 2012
    • Data dictionary for StratML Part 3 compiled by Art Colman, November 4, 2012
    • On November 15, 2012, Owen Ambur, Andre Cusson of 01 Communications & Jay Fohs of Mark Logic were scheduled to make a presentation on StratML at the PlanningPlus seminar sponsored by the Outreach Subcommittee of the CIOC's Strategy and Planning Commmittee -- Agenda & RSVP instructions. However, that the seminar was postponed and whether it will be rescheduled is unclear.
    • November 16, 2012, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from August 9, 2012, meeting
    • Draft schema for StratML Part 3 as of November 16, 2012
    • Phil Archer posted a blog entry on identifiers for collaboration, referencing StratML, December 4, 2012
    • StratML Commmittee (SMLC) Performance Plan/Report for 2012, published December 18, 2012


    • In January 2013, in the context of the EU's initiative to specify a Core Public Service Conceptual Model, Phil Archer referenced StratML's distinction between Outputs versus Outcomes
    • January 10, 2013, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from November 16, 2012, meeting
    • NIEM profile files posted by Sylvia Webb, January 17, 2013
    • February 7, 2013, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from January 10, 2013, meeting
    • ISO version of the Part 1 schema as of February 26, 2013
    • Article on StratML posted in Wikipedia by Owen Ambur, March 13, 2013
    • Revised diagram for the ISO version of Part 1 provided by Sylvia Webb on March 24, 2014 -- JPG | VSDX
    • On March 27, 2013, Natasha Khramtsovsky published a blog article on StratML in Russian
    • On April 5, 2013, Robin LaFontaine of DeltaXML provided change tracking renditions of the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) by-laws in StratML format - HTML | XML
    • NIEM profile files posted by Sylvia Webb on May 20, 2013
    • Draft of Part 3 best practice document as of May 23, 2013
    • May 23, 2013, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from February 7, 2013, meeting -- Note: We did not achieve a quorum for our February 28 meeting.
    • Some of the elements that were identified as candidates for consideration in StratML Part 3 are documented here for historical reference:
      • Geospatial referencing of organizations, goals, objectives, and stakeholders
        • Gannon Dick's thoughts on "encoded resources" (e.g., country codes), February 7, 2010
      • Citation of relevant legal or other authorities
      • Categorization of goals, objectives & performance indicators under various taxonomies, such as:
        • The four "measurement areas" set forth in the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM)
        • The three-tiered taxonomy of "business functions" set forth in the FEA Business Reference Model (BRM)
        • The three-tiered taxonomy of Themes and Budget Functions set forth in the data dictionary for the site
        • The four facets of Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorcard
      • Organizational relationships, such as those set forth in OMG's Organization Structure Metamodel (OSM) and/or Dave Reynolds' organizational ontology; and/or the business schema being developed by the Freebase community
      • A generic <Relationship> element enabling any element within StratML documents to be related to any other element by referencing its <Identifier>
        • Note: StratML Part 2 includes the Relationship element as a child of PerformanceIndicator to enable users to link inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes to each other in the ValueChain, if they wish
      • Point of contact elements as children of the Stakeholder element to enable automated transmission of input and feedback to designated points of contact for each Goal and Objective
      • Personal attributes of individuals and groups of Stakeholders
      • Version control at the element level, perhaps by applying a time/date element or attribute
      • Subjective (qualitative) ratings and weightings of performance as alternatives when quantitative metrics are not feasible, as provided by GPRAMA and OPM's SES Performance Management System (SESPMS).
      • Referencing of <Project>s and <Program>s and perhaps also Systems and Investments
      • Application of the <Identifier> element at the root (plan/report) level.
      • Strategy formulation frameworks and/or methods
      • Core Competency and Value Proposition
      • See also Andre Cusson's proposals
    • On May 27, 2013, Owen Ambur commented on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "IT dashboards: Picture perfect?"
    • NIEM profile draft update posted by Sylvia Webb on June 18, 2013
    • June 20, 2013, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from May 23, 2013, meeting
    • Gannon Dick has begun to demonstrate how the descriptions of the advisory committees listed in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) database can be rendered in StratML format. The thought is that each advisory committee should have a performance plan and its performance indicators should be linked to the relevant goals and objectives in its sponsoring agency's strategic plan. See, for example:
      • Commission on Indian Trust Administration and Reform (FACA76878)
      • Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail Advisory Committee (FACA76838)
    • Owen Ambur has begun demonstrating how the program inventory descriptions required by GPRAMA can be rendered in StratML format, starting with:
    • NIEM profile draft update posted by Sylvia Webb on June 26, 2013
    • July 11, 2013, meeting agenda & minutes & action items from June 20, 2013, meeting
    • NIEM profile draft update posted by Sylvia Webb on July 11, 2013
    • September 5, 2013, agenda & minutes & action items from July 11, 2013, meeting
    • On September 12, 2013, Frederick Chapus of the UBMatrix division of Edgar Online, an RR Donnelly company, rendered the StratML Part 1 schema as an XBRL taxonomy. See also his PowerPoint presentation.
    • On September 23, 2013, Russ Ruggiero referenced StratML in an article entitled "Technologies that May Spur Future Job Growth".
    • September 26, 2013, agenda - Note: We did not achieve a quorum for this teleconference and will shift back to the 11:00 time slot for our next meeting
    • On October 5, 2013, Russ Ruggiero published a short paper referencing usage of StratML in IT Deployments in Heterogeneous Environments and an entry in AIIM's community blog.
    • On October 11, 2013, Russ Ruggiero and Ranjeeth Thunga published a white paper entitled "StratML: Private & Public Sector Uses".
    • October 17, 2013, agenda & minutes from September 5 meeting - We failed to achieve a quorum for our October 17 meeting
    • On October 29, 2013, George Bina provided a forms-based UI for StratML in oXygen.
    • October 31, 2013, agenda - The October 31 StratML Committee teleconference was canceled due to a last-minute emergency.
    • In October 2013, Part 1 was approved as an ISO standard. The StratML project was previously registered as ISO/NP 17469-1.
      • Five nations -- Canada, South Africa, China, and Korea in addition to the U.S. -- originally agreed to work on the project.
    • On November 8, 2013, Russ Ruggiero published a short paper entitled "Part One: StratML Toolkit & StratML Cloud".
    • On November 17, at the oXygen users meetup in Munich, George Bina included a StratML example in a presentation focusing on simplified user interfaces for authoring XML content. The StratML segment starts at 39:20 and can be accessed on YouTube via this direct link.
    • On December 8, 2013, Russ Ruggiero published a white paper entitled "Creating a Seamless & Agnostic Ecosystem (Federal, State, and Local IT Alignment)".
    • November 21, 2013, teleconference agenda
    • StratML Commmittee (SMLC) Performance Plan/Report for 2013, published December 24, 2014 - Plain XML Text | Styled
    • White paper entitled "WHY StratML?" December 29, 2013 - DOCX | PDF | HTML


    • January 9, 2014, agenda & minutes & action items from November 21, 2013, teleconference
    • As of January 23, 2014, there were 32 references to StratML on Federal Computer Week (FCW) | 8 references on Government Computer News (GCN) | 78 references on AIIM's website | 35 hits on | about 84,600 hits on Google | about 13,000 hits on Bing | about 13,000 hits on Yahoo | 13 hits on LinkedIn
    • StratML: The 2013 Boston Marathon Attack (Application Uses) white paper by R. Russell Ruggiero, February 16, 2014
    • On February 20 the StratML Committee conducted an informal teleconference to discuss progress on the final edits to Parts 1 & 3 for publication by ISO and AIIM, respectively, with the intent of completing them prior to the next meeting on March 20.
    • Part 2: StratML Toolkit and StratML Cloud white paper by Ranjeeth Thunga, March 11, 2014 (counterpart to Part 1: Private and Public Sector Uses)
    • Index of StratML white papers provided by Ranjeeth Thunga, March 14
    • The StratML Committee's March 20, 2014, teleconference was canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
    • On March 20, 2014, Part 3, Additional Elements, was approved for publication as an AIIM best practice (AIIM-BP-24-2014).
    • Revised ISO version of the Part 1 schema provided by Sylvia Webb on March 21, 2014, with the newly proposed namespace
    • ISO version of the Part 1 schema as of April 1, 2014
    • On April 19, 2014, Russell Ruggiero & Ranjeeth Thunga completed a white paper entitled "StratML Portal - StratML Exchange - StratML Master Repository," which is available in DOCX & PDF
    • StratML is referenced in an article by Dan Strongin in the Cheese Reporter (page 4), June 27, 2014 (local copy)
    • July 31, 2014, agenda & dial-in instructions & meeting minutes
    • Draft schema for StratML Part 3 as of August 18, 2014
    • On November 19, 2014, Part 3, Additional Elements, was published as an AIIM best practice (AIIM-BP-24-2014).
    • November 20, 2014, meeting agenda & dial-in instructions
      • Files used by Pradeep Jain in support of his remarks at November 20, 2014, meeting - GSA strategic plain in MS Word, PDF & XML formats
    • ISO version of the Part 1 schema as of November 22, 2014, with a technical change to accommodate various formats for dates [Note: This change was not incorporated into the final version of Part 1 but has been included in the ISO draft of Part 2 and the AIIM version of Part 3.]
    • On November 27, 2014, at the suggestion of Russ Ruggiero, Owen Ambur drafted a one-pager explaining the StratML standard -- Word (DOCX) format | PDF
    • On December 8, 2014, Sarven Capadisli, Reinhard Riedl, and Sören Auer referenced StratML in a paper entitled "Enabling Accessible Knowledge"
    • StratML and the Organized Mind white paper, December 18, 2014
    • Strategy Markup Language: AIIM Best PracticeAn for Strategically Managing Information and Engaging Performance Partners to Accomplish Shared Objectives, December 18, 2014
    • December 30, 2014, draft of the proposed ISO version of the StratML Part 2 schema, including
      1. Role element made repeatable - technical correction
      2. FirstName changed to GivenName - as per ISO version of Part 1
      3. LastName changed to Surname - as per ISO version of Part 1
      4. StakeholderTypeType attribute added - as per ISO version of Part 1
      5. DateTypeType substituted for xsd:date - as per Part 3, an AIIM best practice
    • Data dictionary/schema documentation for ISO version of Part 2, generated with oXygen in PDF, opened and saved in Word (DOCX) format on December 30, 2014
    • StratML Committee Performance Report for 2014 (SMLC2014)


    • January 15, 2015, meeting agenda & dial-in instructions & minutes of November 20, 2014, meeting
    • Semantic Web Alignment Theory white paper by Russ Ruggiero & Rex Brooks, January 22, 2015
    • Blog article on Perspective Maps based on StratML by Ranjeeth Thunga, February 9, 2015
      • Ranjeeth's plan for development of Perspective Maps
      • Ranjeeth's graphical depiction of a third party reconciliation process, February 27, 2015
    • On February 11, 2015, StratML Part 1, Strategic Plans, was published as an international standard (ISO 17469-1) and is available for purchase from ANSI
    • February 20, 2015, meeting agenda & dial-in instructions & minutes of January 15, 2015, meeting
    • In his MBA thesis, entitled "Capstone Project Action Plan & Analysis Summary: New Venture for Development Project Clearinghouse" and published on February 20, 2015, Larry Bradshaw proposed a business plan contemplating usage of the StratML standard for humanitarian and developmental purposes - DOC | PDF
    • On March 9, 2015, Sarven Capadisli referenced StratML's conceptualizations of intentions, stakeholders, and results in a paper entitled "Cooling Down Web Science"
    • On March 22, 2015, Russ Ruggiero referenced the StratML standard in his comment on an article entitled "Why Strategy Execution Unravels -- and What to Do About It" in the Harvard Business Review
    • On March 22 & 23, 2015, respectively, William Glascoe and Gannon Dick referenced StratML in their comments on Russ Ruggiero's March 16 blog entitled "Orchestrating Your Business Strategy"
    • April 10, 2015, meeting agenda & minutes of February 20 meeting
    • GSA indicated plans to phase out the domain. So the StratML content on the site may need to be migrated to a new location. Owen Ambur has registered the domain for potential use but other alternatives may be considered. As of April 14, 2015, the domain is defaulting to OCEG owns the and domains and, as of April 15, has redirected them to
    • On May 14, 2015, George Bina of Synchro Soft used StratML as an example in his demonstration of guided XML authoring in oXygen 17
    • May 15, 2015, meeting agenda & minutes of April 10, 2015, meeting
    • On May 19, 2015, Matthew Harang and Dan Strongin published an article entitled "StratML: Aligning Strategies for a Better Future" on The Policy Tree
    • On June 7, 2015, Owen Ambur posted a white paper entitled "Technology Evolution, StratML, and the Theory of Life"
    • On June 12, 2015, Gannon Dick corrected technical errors and provided a revised draft of the schema (XSD) for the ISO version of StratML Part 2, Performance Plans & Reports (ISO 17469-2)
    • June 12, 2015, draft of the schema (XSD) for the ISO version of StratML Part 2, Performance Plans & Reports (ISO 17469-2)
      • Schema documentation/data dictionary -- HTML | PDF
    • June 19, 2015, meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of May 15, 2015, meeting
    • On June 29 & 30, 2015, BrightTalk's Content Wrangler channel hosted a virtual summit on advanced content management tools and techniques.
      • On June 29, 2015, Owen Ambur made a webinar presentation on Managing Content for Results Using StratML, the International Standard - Recording | PPT with speaker's notes | PDF without speaker's notes
      • On June 30, 2015, George Bina made a webinar presentation on Guiding Authors Toward the Creation of Intelligent Content
    • July 17, 2015, meeting agenda, dial-in instructions, action items, and minutes of June 19, 2015, meeting
    • On September 17, 2015, Owen Ambur created a revised draft of the schema in which the stratml:Identifier element is changed from xsd:ID to xsd:String type and the stratml:Relationship Identifier elemement is repeatable to accommodate instances in which the same relationship is applicable to multiple referents -- Schema | Documentation | Screen Shots of InfoPath form in Word (DOCX) format
    • On July 18, 2015, Owen Ambur submitted a short paper entitled StratML and the *Strategic* Semantic Web: Matching Ontologies for Human Results for consideration at the Ontology Matching Workshop (OM-2015) on October 12, 2015 -- PDF | DOCX
    • September 18, 2015, meeting agenda, dial-in instructions, action items, and minutes of July 17, 2015, meeting
    • On September 25, 2015, Ana Fernandez de Soria Risco posted in the European Commission's Joinup collaboration platform the revised desciption of the StratML standard provided by Owen Ambur.
    • On October 5, 2015, Colin Mackenzie updated the stylesheet for StratML Part 2 to display the MeasurementInstance element names as column headers, as shown in this rendition of the StratML Committee's peformance report.
    • On October 9, 2015, Owen revised the draft schema to create a new NumberAndOrAdjective type to more clearly accommodate the description of performance indicators of the qualitative type, which may be more appropriately characterized by adjectives than by numbers -- Schema | Documentation | Screen Shots of InfoPath form in Word (DOCX) format
    • On October 20, 2015, George Bina of Syncro Soft registered the domain and is redirecting it to
    • October 30, 2015, meeting agenda, dial-in instructions, and minutes of September 18 meeting
    • October 30, 2015, meeting minutes
    • With assistance from Andre Cusson, Alain Couthures, and Gannon Dick, Joe Carmel developed an XForms form for the version of the schema for StratML Part 2 that has been harmonized with ISO 17469-1 and is on track for publication as a minor revision to ANSI/AIIM 22:2011.
    • On November 13, 2015, ANSI notified AIIM of the adoption of ANSI/AIIM/ISO 17469-1 as an update to StratML Part1, ANSI/AIIM 21:2009.
    • StratML Committee Performance Report for 2015 (SMLC2015)


    • On January 6, 2016, Owen Ambur, Susan Smoter, Gannon Dick and Allyson Ugarte conducted a teleconference with Michael Thatcher, president and CEO of Charity Navigator (CN), to explore prospects for using StratML to assist in dealing with challenges encountered with implementation of CN's 3.0 initiative, focusing on results.
      • On January 7, 2016, Owen Ambur drafted a template in StratML Part 2 format that charities could use to report their performance in support of Charity Navigator's 3.0 iniative.
    • On February 3, 2016, AIIM made available to AIIM members a training module, entitled "How and Why to Render Your Strategic Plan in StratML Format," for StratML Part 1, at or, more specifically
    • On February 11, 2016, Owen Ambur compiled a revised draft of the schema for StratML Part 2, Performance Plan or Report, for consideration in the ANSI process -- Schema | Documentation - HTML & PDF | Screen Shots of InfoPath form in Word (DOCX) format & PDF
    • On February 16, 2016, Owen revised the draft schema for Part 2 to:
      • Create a new Descriptor element to more clearly accommodate the description of performance indicators of the qualitative type, which may be more appropriately characterized by adjectives, letter grades, or other types of ratings than by numbers
      • Create a new ReferentIdentifier element of the xsd:string type to enable multiple references to the GUIDs of the same referents in a plan/report and to distinguish such identifiers from the identifiers of other elements, which are of the xsd:ID type and must be unique
      • Change the NumberOfUnits element to a union with the empty string type to overcome the XSD rule requiring that elements of the xsd:decimal type must be populated even if their usage is optional and the numbers may not yet be known, e.g., for the ActualResult element or for TargetResults that have not yet been specified in draft plans
    • February 16 Draft -- Schema | Documentation | Screen Shots of InfoPath form in Word (DOCX) format & PDF
      • Stylesheet for the revised draft schema for Part 2 provided by Mario Madunic, Colin MacKenzie & Detlef Heyn.
    • On Feburary 27, 2016, Gannon Dick compiled model performance reports in StratML Part 2 format for seven tax-exempt organizations in South Dakota, prepopulated with financial data they reported to IRS.
    • March 4, 2016, meeting agenda & dial-in instructions
    • On March 21, 2016, AIIM announced ANSI/AIIM/ISO 17469-1: 2015, Document management applications - Strategy markup language (StratML) - Part 1: StratML core elements
    • April 1, 2016, meeting agenda, action items, and minutes of the March 4, 2016, meeting
    • On April 11, 2016, Marijan (Mario) Madunic & Detlef Horst Heyn began using GitHub to track changes to the stylesheet to accommodate the modifications to the schema for StratML Part 2 being considered in the ANSI review process
    • On April 11, 2016, Government Computer News (GCN) published an op ed by Owen Ambur, entitled "Government performance data: Let's make it open, machine-readable and permanent"
      • On April 11 & 12 Russ Ruggerio, Michael Taylor, Colin Mackenzie submitted supportive comments, which appeared below the article.
    • On April 21, 2016, at the suggestion of Michael Taylor, Owen Ambur began documenting StratML use cases in StratML Part 1 format.
    • On April 23, 2016, Nathaniel Whitestone of the Healthy Power Alliance cross-referenced StratML in Wikipedia's article on Sociocracy, which was already referenced in Wikipedia's article on StratML.
    • On April 23, 2016, John Barker of Metaformixis demonstrated how StratML files can automatically be rendered in PDF and ePub formats.
    • On April 29, 2016, Russ Ruggiero published on LinkedIn an article entitled "NIST-StratMLStudy Excerpts".
    • On May 1, 2016, at the suggestion of Chris Fox, Owen Ambur edited the schema for Part 2 to expand the documentation of the Value Chain, Relationships, and Relationship types to clarify their intended usage. He also expanded the documentation of the Organization, and Identifier elements.
    • On May 11, 2016, Detlef Heyn of DOCUFY provided enhancements to the StratML stylesheet. His revision is available here and here is a file showing how it presents the data:
    • On May 18, 2016, John Barker of Metaformix Information Systems provided:
      • A PDF rendition of the Veterans Adminstration's strategic plan generated automatically in TopLeaf
      • PDF and ePub renditions of the Ballston Business Improvement District's (BBID) strategic plan, in StratML Part 1 - PDF | ePub - and Part 2 - PDF | ePub - format
    • On May 22, 2016, Owen Ambur converted the StratML Committee's draft listing of tools, apps & services required to support the StratML standard to StratML Part 1 & Part 2 formats
    • On May 23, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on an article in Government Computer News (GCN) entitled "EPA looks to improve data aggregation with APIs," noting the relationship of StratML to regulatory requirements and reporting.
    • On May 29, 2016, Paola Di Maio published an alert about StratML on Content Wire. (Users must log onto Factiva to view it.)
    • On June 2, 2016, Russ Ruggiero referenced StratML in response to an article in Harvard Business Review entitled "Wicked-Problem Solvers" by Amy C. Edmondson.
      • On June 3, 2016, Russ posted an article on LinkedIn entitled "StratML Theme - Getting Interested Parties Aligned".
    • On June 10, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on a Government Computer News article entitled "DARPA wants to teach machines how to learn," pointing out that humans can make it easier for computers to help them by publishing their objectives in machine-readable format.
    • In June, 2016, AIIM implemented a new website and broke links to the StratML home page and additional information about the standard on their site. So links with "" in their URLs on this page may generate 404 errors.
    • On June 24, 2016, Felix Sasaki added StratML to the types of files that can be enriched with linked data tags at One issue that will need to be resolved is whether to change the type of the stratml:Description element from xsd:String in order to accommodate semantic tagging of text within that element.
    • On July 24, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on a Federal Computer Week article noting that rendering agency goals and objectives in StratML format will facilitate evaluation of which functions are truly "inherently governmental" in nature.
    • On July 26, 2016, Betsy Fanning, Allyson Ugarte, and Owen Ambur participated in a teleconference with John Tesmer of the American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) to explore potential synergies between their Process Classification Framework (PCF) and the StratML standard.
    • On July 27, 2016, Owen Ambur recorded a podcast on StatML hosted by Kevin Craine for posting in AIIM On Air -- Owen's remarks begin at minute 20 of the session entitled "ECM Industry Standards".
    • On August 1, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Dianne Kennedy's survey in LinkedIn's XML-in-Practice group about authoring in XML.
    • On August 2, 2016, Owen Ambur rendered the latest version of OMB Circular A-130 in StratML format and posted a comment on Federal Computer Week's article announcing availability of the new release of the circular.
    • On August 6, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Jeff Immelt's article on LinkedIn entitled "Why GE is giving up employee ratings, abandoning annual reviews and rethinking the role of HQ."
    • On August 6, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Dianne Kennedy's posting in LinkedIn's XML and Related Technologies Network group about XML authoring on mobile devices.
    • On August 11, 2016, Matt Harang published on The Policy Tree an article by Russ Ruggiero entitled "NIST-StratML: Common Ground."
    • On August 17, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Washington Technology's article entitled "Are you a strategic thinker or just a planner?"
    • On August 18, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on a Government Computer News article entitled "When disaster-response apps fail."
    • On August 19, 2016, Dazza Greenwood initiated a Google groups discussion on "What Relevant Data is StratML Well Suited to Provide for Data-Driven Models and Simulations?"
    • On August 20, 2016, Paola Di Maio initiated drafting of a StratML case study document and invited others to participate in crowdsourcing its completion.
    • On August 30, Federal Computer Week published an article entitled "GAO: needs big improvements."
      • On September 5, Owen Ambur rendered in StratML format the recommendations set forth in GAO's report and posted a comment on FCW's article
    • On September 22, 2016, Owen Ambur published a paper entitled "Flow and the StratML Standard: Transforming the Psychology of Optimal Personal Experience into Improved Collective Performance."
    • On September 23, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Federal Computer Week's article entitled "Legislators call for better implementation of transparency legislation."
    • On October 1, 2016, Owen Ambur published a paper entitled "Enough: Values, Intentions and Things to Support Them."
    • On October 17, 2016, Owen Ambur commented on Federal Computer Week's article entitled "A bipartisan proposal for performance management in the next administration."
    • In October 2016 we understand GSA will soon be shutting down the domain, as announced early in 2015. The content of the site, including the StratML files, will remain available in the domain.
    • In an article entitled "Strategy by the Numbers," Chris Fox has documented metrics highlighting the need for improvement in how organizations formulate and implement strategic plans. In November 2016 he expressed his intent to update the article with additional information.
    • On November 30, 2016, Owen Ambur & Russ Ruggerio published a short paper entitled "The Flashy Web versus the Intelligent Web".
    • On December 2, 2016, Jeroen De Flander posted a set of quotations that are highly relevant to usage of the StratML standard.
    • Rex Brooks, Russ Ruggiero, and Owen Ambur are exploring prospects for integrating StratML and Emergency Data Exhange Language (EDXL) for the purpose of enabling the implementation of disaster preparedness and response plans upon reciept of proper notification.


    • On January 6, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on Stan Soloway's article concerning OMB Circular A-76 and competitive sourcing of functions that are not "inherently governmental" in nature.
    • On January 8, 2017, Owen Ambur posted a 16-page paper entitled "Connected in a Worldwide Web of Intentions, Stakeholders, and Results."
    • On January 9, 2017, the revisions to ANSI/AIIM 22 were approved by AIIM. Publication of the standards document is subject to further processing by ANSI and the situation is complicated by the fact AIIM is exiting the standards development process. So the standard will need to be formally reinitiated when another standards development organization assumes AIIM's role under the ANSI and ISO processes. In the meantime, however, the revised schema for Part 2 was approved and should be stable for the next few years.
    • On January 10, 2017, commenting on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "An IT moonshot: Can government IT development come to look like SpaceX?" Owen Ambur suggested the key for many IT projects is to use open, machine-readable data standards.
    • On January 13, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "Dickerson to Congress: USDS is delivering results," noting that it would be easier to judge the organization's performance if they were demonstrating leadership by example in publishing their performance plans and reports in machine-readable format.
    • On January 15, 2017, commenting on a LinkedIn inquery as to whether government can be run like a business, Owen Ambur suggested a better question might be whether government can be managed with any accountability.
    • On January 19, 2017, Owen Ambur and Theodoor van Donge discussed prospects for synergy between StratML and the Object Management Group’s (OMG) Value Delivery Modelling Language (VDML). Theodoor's VDMbee platform implements VDML. The connection between VDML and StratML is particularly close at the level of the stratml:ValueChainStageType.
    • On January 19, 2017, the revisions to ANSI/AIIM 22, Performance Plans and Reports, were officially approved by ANSI. AIIM made the revised standard document available on its website. The schema is available at ../references/PerformancePlanOrReport20160216.xsd. Minor changes were made to harmonize Part 2 with changes made to Part 1 in the ISO process. In addition, the following enhancements were made:
      1. Create a new Descriptor element to more clearly accommodate the description of performance indicators of the qualitative type, which may be more appropriately characterized by adjectives, letter grades, or other types of ratings than by numbers
      2. Create a new ReferentIdentifier element of the xsd:string type to enable multiple references to the GUIDs of the same referents in a plan/report and to distinguish such identifiers from the identifiers of other elements, which are of the xsd:ID type and must be unique
      3. Change the NumberOfUnits element to a union with the empty string type to overcome the XSD rule requiring that elements of the xsd:decimal type must be populated even if their usage is optional and the numbers may not yet be known, e.g., for the ActualResult element or for TargetResults that have not yet been specified in draft plans
    • On February 10, 2017, the revised version of ANSI/AIIM 22, Performance Plans and Reports, was published at
    • On February 18, 2017, Rex Brooks converted the U.S. government's third open government partnership National Action Plan to JSON & JSON-LD format
    • On March 3, 2017, prompted by an article entitled "Strategy is Alive and Well – Just Ask the FTSE 100," Owen Ambur generated a series of NGRAM charts showing the incidences of the usage of words related to planning over the past two centuries.
    • On April 3, 2017, on behalf of himself, Pradeep Jain of Ictect, and Alejandro Revuelta of Ximdex, Owen Ambur submitted an application for Knight Foundation grant funding to improve the flow of accurate information using StratML Part 2 to report machine-readable performance data.
    • Responding to a March 28, 2017, article in NextGov entitled "8 TIPS FOR JARED KUSHNER AND THE NEW INNOVATION OFFICE," Owen Ambur noted that a "true dashboard" would be enabled by implementing section 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA).
      • Responding to another comment suggesting that "data needs to to be human readable first," Owen cited a GCN article entitled "Could better financial data have stopped Bernie Madoff?" as evidence of the problem with relying upon data that is merely human readable.
    • On March 28, 2017, in response to a posting concerning information governance policies in AIIM's Open Forum, Owen Ambur suggested that many organizations have too much policy in narrative form and far too few actual performance plans in open, standard, machine-readable format.
    • On April 3, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on Federal Computer Week's article entitled "Sustaining citizen engagement."
      • On April 4, 2017, Russ Ruggiero commented on Daniel Chenok's accompanying article entitled "Citizen engagement: a pathway for government reform."
      • On April 17, Owen followed up on Russ' comments.
    • On April 4, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "Why Trump should dump spreadsheets," noting that money is an input and what truly matters are outcomes.
    • On April 17, 2017, Owen Ambur published a short paper entitled"Liberation Revisited: Beyond Democracy to the Apolitical StratML-Enabled Performance Web."
    • On April 17, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on a Government Computer News (GCN) article entitled "Army HQ keeps work on track with collaborative task management tool," noting that tasks should be linked to the strategic objectives they support.
    • On April 19, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on Federal Computer Week's article entitled "Former Microsoft chief launches government data site."
    • On May 2, 2017, Aimee Whitcroft posted an inquiry to the Open New Zealand discussion group about prospects for publishing New Zealand's Open Government Partnership (OGP) national action plan (NAP) in StratML format.
    • On May 3 Owen Ambur spoke briefly at the Town of Hilton Head Visioning Project Management Team meeting and volunteered to render in StratML format the plan(s) emerging from the effort. Video of the meeting is available. Owen's remarks begin at minute 1:36.
      • Minutes of the May 3 meeting of the VPMT
    • On May 4, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "Obama archive to go digital," noting the distiction between records that are merely digital versus machine-readable.
    • On May 5, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on a Government Computer News (GCN) article entitled "Message growing clearer to agencies on collaboration apps," noting that collaboration should focus on common and complementary objectives.
    • On May 10, 2017, Government Computer News (GCN) published Owen Ambur's op ed entitled "The open, efficient, machine-readable government".
      • On May 11, 2017, Chet Ensign of OASIS posted a link to GCN's op ed on LinkedIn.
      • On May 11, 2017, Kurt Cagle shared the article with his network on LinkedIn.
      • On May 11, 2017, Robert Blatt recommended the article to subscribers to AIIM's Open Forum.
    • On May 16, 2017, Owen Ambur commented on CDI's blog entitled "Data in Politics Is an Asset, Not a Threat to Democracy," pointing out that the broader issue contributing to political polarization is the growth and centralization of government.
    • On May 19, 2017, Owen Ambur spoke briefly at the Hilton Head Visioning Project Team (VPMT) meeting to apprise them that he rendered their statement of intent in StratML format.
    • On May 20, 2017, Owen Ambur spoke with Mayor David Bennett and his wife Terri about the relevance of the StratML standard to the Town of Hilton Head's visioning project.
    • On May 21, 2017, Owen Ambur registered the domain for potential use for StratML-enabled services. Higher Logic, upon which AIIM's discussion forums are based, owns the domain.
      • On May 23, 2017, Owen parked a shell home page inviting expressions of interest in crowdsourcing development of the domain.
    • On May 23, 2017, Owen Ambur published a two-page paper entitled "Cutting to the Chase: Skip the Nonsense and Proceed Directly to Doing Good Better."
    • On June 6, 2017, Owen Ambur responded to the Department of State's RFI on how to innovate diplomacy.
    • On June 9, 2017, Owen Ambur met with Rob Green at his home in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Rob supports the concept of connected communities and expressed interest in developing a customization of Drupal supporting the StratML standard.
      • Photo of Rob Green & Owen Ambur
    • On June 22 Owen Ambur published a 6-page paper on Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard commencement address and referencing his change to the vision statement for Facebook, entitled "Creating a Sense of Purpose: Bringing People Together to Build Community in a Worldwide Web of Intentions, Stakeholders & Results"
    • On August 1, 2017, in Circular A-11, section 230.18, OMB issued the following guidance to agencies to implement section 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA):
        The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 requires agencies to make the Strategic Plan available on both the public website of the agency as well as on a central website (e.g., in machine readable format, and notify the President and Congress of its availability.
    • On September 12, 2017, Government Computer News (GCN) published Owen Ambur's article on non-interoperable dashboards, entitled "A plethora of YADs: Let's hope they point to a more intelligent future."
      • See also Owen's May 27, 2013, comments on a Federal Computer Week (FCW) article entitled "IT dashboards: Picture perfect?"
    • On October 6, 2017, Owen Ambur posted a comment on GitHub suggesting that the 4th U.S. OGP National Action Plan should be published in open, standard, machine-readable StratML format.
    • On October 9, 2017, Owen Ambur published an article entitled "Beyond Mind Reading: A StratML-Enabled Web of Intentions, Stakeholders, and Results."
    • On December 11, 2017, Owen Ambur published an article on LinkedIn entitled "Learning to Mend Misbehaving Mindsets."


    • On January 7, 2018, Owen Ambur published an article on LinkedIn entitled "If I Only Had a Brain: Evolving a Prefrontal Core-Text for the Internet."
    • On January 29, 2018, Tim Clark referenced StratML in his blog posting entitled "Connecting the Community."
      • For additional background, see his January 23 article in the Brown County Democrat entitled "Working toward 'a more perfect union'".
    • On Feburary 16, 2018, Owen Ambur spoke briefly at the Hilton Head Visioning Project Management Team meeting about the need for new ways of engaging stakeholders. His comments begin at minute 1:52 of the video recording.
    • On February 17, 2018, Owen Ambur published an article on LinkedIn entitled "Consciously Connected Communities."
    • On February 25, 2018, Owen Ambur sent a letter to the editor of the Island Packet entitled "Let’s Build a Truly Modern, Connected, and Collaborative Community." It was published in the March 2 print edition and is available online.
    • Since Federal agencies failed to comply with section 10 of GPRAMA with respect to the updates to their strategic plans due in February, Owen Ambur finshed converting their plans to open, standard, machine-readable StratML format for them on April 23, 2018. (Note: DOD, DOE, DHS & DOJ also failed to update their plans by the deadline.)
      1. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
      2. Department of Commerce (DOC)
      3. Department of Defense - 2015-2018 (DOD)
      4. Department of Education (ED)
      5. Department of Energy - 2014-2018 (DOE)
      6. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
      7. General Services Administration (GSA)
      8. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
      9. Department of Homeland Security - 2014-2018 (DHS)
      10. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
      11. Department of the Interior (DOI)
      12. Department of Justice - 2014-2018 (DOJ)
      13. Department of the Labor (DOL)
      14. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) - With & Without Strategies
      15. National Science Foundation (NSF)
      16. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
      17. Small Business Administration (SBA)
      18. Social Security Administration (SSA)
      19. Department of State / U.S. Agency for International Development (DOS/AID)
      20. Department of the Transportation (DOT)
      21. Department of the Treasury (TREAS)
      22. Department of the Veterans Affairs (VA)
    • On May 2, 2018, Owen Ambur activated the domain.
    • On July 18, 2018, Owen Ambur commented on the U.S. federal government's Cross-Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset, noting the importance of compliance with section 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA).
    • On July 20, 2018, Ibrahim Shah updated Joe Carmel's XForm to accommodate the changes made to the Part 2 schema in the ANSI process.
    • On July 21, 2018, Owen Ambur proposed including the StratML core elements in the artificial knowledge representation vocabularly being compiled by the W3C's AIKR Community Group.
    • On September 17, 2018, Owen Ambur activated the domain and posted a draft plan for the domain in StratML format.
    • On October 4, 2018, Jorge Sanchez provided a Spanish translation of Joe Carmel's StratML Part 1 form.
    • On October 18, 2018, Owen Ambur commented on the draft Federal Data Strategy practices, highlighting the relevance of the StratML standard.
    • On October 25, 2018, Ehsanul "Pavel" Huq delivered a logo capturing the essense of the StratML standard as a worldwide web and virtuous cycle of intentions, stakeholders, and results. It is also available in transparent formats for posting on light and dark backgrounds.
    • On November 17, 2018, Owen Ambur exchanged messsages with Christian Grün about prospects for developing a StratML query service in BaseX.
    • On December 6, 2018, Owen Ambur documented in the W3C Voter Decision Support Community Group's wiki the potential to leverage the StratML standard to support not only voter decisions but also tracking the performance of elected officials.
    • On December 9, 2018, Adam Retter of Evolved Binary provided access to a server on which the StratML files conforming to the ISO 17469-1 version of the schema have been loaded in an eXist database.
    • Hans-Juergen Rennau, developer of FOXpath, has explored prospects for creating an RDF-enabled query service for the StratML collection.
      • On December 9, 2018, he generated these plain text listings and counts of the Goals and Goals + Objectives documented in the StratML collection in ISO 17469-1 format.


    • On January 16, 2019, Owen Ambur began documenting the relationships between StratML and Title II of H.R. 4174, the OPEN Government Data Act, including by rendering in StratML Part 2, Performance Plan/Report, format the requirements for:
    • On January 24, 2019, during the citizen comment period, Owen Ambur spoke briefly at the Town of Hilton Head's Public Planning Committee about the town's master plans and the need for citizen/stakeholder, technology-enabled planning.
    • Neha Sharma worked on updating Ictect's StratML plug-in for Microsoft Word. Screen shots are available showing the plug-in as of February 12 and February 26, 2019.
      • She also explored prospects for automating conversion of the South Carolina agency accountability reports to StratML format. Owen Ambur manually converted and added a number of them to the StratML collection here.
    • On February 7, 2019, Jorge Sanchez provided a rendition of the StratML Part 2 form with the capability to translate the field labels from English to Spanish.
    • On February 27, 2019, Owen Ambur created a Performance Plan Template for Evidence-Building Plans (PP4EBP) based upon the requirements set forth in Title I of H.R. 4174, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.
    • On March 7 & 8, 2019, Owen Ambur converted to StratML Part 1 format the agency priority goals and strategic goals listed in the Excel spreadsheet now posted on the site. Although the spreadsheet is better than the API previously bolted onto the site, it still leaves much to be desired.
    • On March 20, 2019, Peter Winstanley posted on GitHub basic instructions on how to build a StratML query service using BaseX.
        On March 26 Owen Ambur applied those instructions to create a basic query service running on his PC.
    • On April 1, 2019, Owen Ambur created a repository in GitHub for StratML Schemas, Stylesheets & XForms. On April 2 he created a project to update the StratML Part 2 XForm and Jorge Sanchez of Vionta made edits to: a) remove the Reset button, b) change the label of the "XML" button to "Plain XML" & c) change the label of the "XML + XSL" button to "With Style". Among the changes still needed are the following:
      1. The stylesheet reference inserted by the form should be relative rather than absolute. It should apply the stylesheet in the directory in which the file resides rather than the one in the forms directory.
      2. The form should display a field for the Performance Indicator's Sequence Indicator.
      3. The Performance Indicator Description is not required and the form should not force the user to populate it.
      4. Likewise Role Names are not required.
      5. Stakeholders need not be named.
      6. Aside from enabling the collapsing of sections, the form should automatically display the full Performance Indicator sequence numbers so users can see where they are in the document, e.g., Performance Indicator 1 of Objective 1 of Goal 1 or, if possible, Performance Indicator 1.1.1.
    • On April 3, 2019, Chris Fox began demonstrating in his StratNavApp how charts can be automatically generated to present performance indicator data rendered in StratML Part 2 format, using Scotland's national performance framework. To get a sense of the need for such capabilities, see A plethora of YADs: Let's hope they point to a more intelligent future.
    • On April 9, 2019, Owen Ambur created a web page on the site to support the Town of Hilton Head's comprehensive planning process.
    • On May 10, 2019. Owen Ambur completed a partial draft of a paper addressing the provisions of section 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA) and the OPEN Government Data Act (OGDA) for joint submission to the Balisage conference with Pradeep Jain of Ictect.
    • On May 19, 2019, Owen Ambur drafted a short article on the OPEN Government Data Act (ODGA), which he published on LinkedIn on May 27.
    • On July 4, 2019, Jorge Sanchez of Vionta provided both an update with minor changes to the Part 2 form and a first public draft of a five-stage wizard version of the form.
    • On August 12, 2019, Jorge Sanchez provided an updated draft of his wizard version of the StratML Part 2 form. He is documenting his effort at
    • On August 22, 2019, at the request of Paola Di Maio, Owen Ambur provided a short presentation outlining the relationship between StratML and knowledge representation for potential inclusion in her presentation at IAC's 14th annual conference in Taiwan -- PDF | PPTX
    • On September September 24, 2019, Paola Di Maio referenced StratML in her presentation on Deep Knowledge Representation for E-Governance at the IAC conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Uli Bethke and his colleagues at Sonra expressed intent to develop a StratML query interface based on Snowflake.
    • Owen Ambur is exploring prospects for leveraging StratML services to make Hilton Head the world's first and foremost Truly Connected Community.
    • On October 2 Jorge Sanchez of Vionta provided an updated draft of his wizard version of the StratML Part 2 form. He is documenting his effort at
    • On November 7, 2019, Alain Barbet finished modifications to the code for Joe Carmel's XForm for StratML Part 1 to run in the domain. The code is available on GitHub for anyone who may wish to use or enhance it.
    • On December 16, 2019, Chris Fox announced support for committee meetings in his StratNavApp. It will be interesting to see how well that new feature may support StratML use case Goal 20: Conferences & Meetings.


    • On January 7, 2020, Alain Barbet posted an updated version of the Part 2 form at The updated code will be posted on GitHub. He is working on additional enhancements, including the following:
      1. Make the Identifier fields editable. The Identifiers are system generated, if they are not already populated. So in most cases editing not an issue. However, there are instances in which they should be user supplied. Thus, they should be accessible for editing, as they are in the Part 1 form, at
      2. Fix the Remove Role and Remove Role Type buttons. When multiple Roles and Role Types have been added, they cannot be deleted.
      3. Since there are only two Role Types, the number of instances of that attribute should be limited to two. When one value has already been selected, the only option should be to select the other as well. Presumably, that function could be better handled with a multiple (two) selection (combo) box rather than a single selection pick list. There are instances in which both role types apply. If a combo box can be used, the Add and Remove Role Type buttons can be removed from the form. Clicking on each option in the combo box should select and de-select it.
      4. In the Performance Indicator section, include a field for the Sequence Indicator, as documented at That field is currently missing on the form. I used Notepad to manually add that element in this file:
      5. Make population of these two fields optional -- Stakeholder Name & Role Name -- and remove the default values "[To be named]" from those fields.
      6. Make population of the Target Result Description optional and remove the default value "[To be described]".
      7. To reduce the need for scrolling, reduce the default size of all of the Description fields to no more than three lines, spanning the full width of the form. All of those fields can be dragged to be expanded and the scroll bar appears if the text overflows the default view. Those capabilities should be preserved. It make take a couple iterations to determine the best default size for each of the Description fields. Some are more important, fewer in number, and may deserve more screen space than others. It may be appropriate to reduce some of them to a single line. It would be good if sections of the form could be selectively collapsed and expanded by the user -- particularly the Performance Indicator sections, for example -- but that may be beyond the scope of what should be attempted in the context of this project.
      8. When a file is imported, like this one, the RelationshipType field does not appear in the form. The "Type" prompt appears but the field itself does not. Like all of the other fields, it should appear on the form regardless of whether it is populated or not. Importing a file should not affect whether fields appear on the form or not.
      9. The Reset button should be removed from the Part 2 form and it has been from the Part 1 form.
      10. A "For Comment" button should be added and it should apply a stylesheet like the one at However, the stylesheet reference should be relative to the directory in which the file resides rather than absolute. See, for example, the file at
    • On January 10, 2020, Leonard Rosenthol of Adobe produced a PDF/A-3 rendition of the Town of Hilton Head's Connected and Collaborative Community plan with the StratML file attached. The StratML can be viewed by opening the file in Acrobat and clicking on the paper clip. (The default PDF viewers built into browsers do not support that capability.) The intent is to demonstrate the best of both human- and machine-readability. The next step is to demonstrate what can be done with the machine-readable StratML.
    • On January 17, 2020, Chris Fox set up a Google custom query based on Schema.Org Person and Organization types. His StratNavApp generates tagged files from the same data used to create StratML files. Doing so may improve discovery of those files by Google, based upon queries of those elements.
    • On January 17, 2020, Vladimir Alexiev initiated an inquiry with his Ontotext colleagues to explore interest in representing StratML in RDF.
    • On January 21, 2020, Betsy Fanning E-mailed a ballot to the StratML Committee members to determine whether the standard (ISO 17469-1) is still valid. Responses are due by March 20. A committee meeting will be scheduled shortly after the ballot closes to review the voting results that will be sent to the US TAG to ISO TC171 SC2 for validation prior to being sent as the US vote.
    • On January 23, 2020, Steve Kellman published an article in Federal Computer Week entitled "Does strategic planning help organizations?".
    • On February 11, 2020, Paola Di Maio and Carl Mattocks agreed that the mission statements for the W3C's AI Knowledge Representation community group (AIKRCG) co-chairs should be documented in StratML format.
    • On February 12, 2020, John Barker of Metformix Information Systems made additional enhancements to his PDF stylesheet for StratML. See, for example, the StratML Community's performance plan/report
    • When Owen Ambur upgraded his hosting service to support SSL, the change broke the links on the site that automatically open StratML files for editing as performance plans and reports in the Part 2 form. On February 21, 2020, Alain Barbet uploaded changes to a test version of the form that addresses that issue. As soon as it has been tested, Owen will copy it to its primary location. Together with Jorge Sanchez, Alain is maintaining the code on GitHub.
    • On March 18, 2020, Yuriy Chernyavskyy referenced StratML in a posting on Facebook concerning the Ukraine's ProZorro procurement system.
    • On February 26, 2020, the PDF Association, Inc. assumed the role of ISO Secretariat and US TAG Administrator to TC 171 SC 2.
      • When AIIM abandoned its standards program, the program was reconstituted under the auspices of the 3D PDF Consortium for serveral years. The termination of AIIM's program means that StratML Parts 1 & 2 need to be reaffirmed through ANSI and ISO. While doing so should be a matter of formalities, the StratML Committee will have the opportunity to make changes and enhancements if desired. For example, now that both quantitative and qualitative performance indicators can be used together in StratML Part 2, the attribute enabling their typing as one or the other should be removed. Hopefully, that change can be accommodated as a technical correction. However, other proposals will be in order as well.
        Since ANSI accrediation of the 3D PDF Consortium was taking quite a while, Chet Ensign and Owen Ambur explored prospects for having OASIS assume stewardship of the StratML standard. A draft charter is available for commenting and editing.
    • On April 5, 2020, Betsy Fanning advised that the StratML Committee has voted to reaffirm StratML Part 1 (ISO 17469-1) as an international standard. The ANSI 30-day comment period runs through the end of April or early May. Meanwhile, in light of the pandemic, ISO is working to adjust its schedule to accommodate virtual meetings, taking account the time zones in the member countries around the world.
    • On April 5, 2020, Inside Analysis published an article by Russ Ruggiero referencing StratML, entitled "Artificial Intelligence (AI) – A Less Nebulous Definition."
    • On April 14, 2020, five members of the W3C AIKRCG conducted a televideo conference discussing the evaluation of trustworthy AIKR objects, using Chris Fox's StratNavApp to focus discussion on a plan for doing so in StratML format. After the meeting, Chris made some edits to the draft and Owen Ambur imported it into Alain Barbet's XForm for StratML Part 2 to produce this rendition. Then he used John Barker's conversion service to produce this PDF rendition.
    • On April 28, 2020, under the leadership of Carl Mattocks, five members of the W3C AIKRCG drafted vision, mission, and goal statements for a strategic plan entitled "StratML for AIKR", using Chris Fox's StratNavApp in Zoom screen-sharing mode..
    • On May 20, 2020, Betsy Fanning advised that progress is being made on documenting on the PDF Association's website the transition of stewardship for AIIM's former standards program, including the StratML standard.
    • On May 22, 2020, Owen Ambur updated the StratML renditions of the:
    • On June 4, 2020, Betsy Fanning, Standards Director, PDF Association, advised that StratML Part 1, has been extended as an international standard (ISO 17469-1) for another five years.
    • On June 16, 2020, Clifford Hoffer, Harley Kastner, and Sam Hansen demonstrated MediaWire Mobile's capability to render StratML files in accessible format and execute queries pointing directly to the queried terms in the documents in which they occur.
    • During its special meeting on June 24, 2020, the Hilton Head Town Council's Intergovernmental Committee received and discussed public suggestions submitted via the town's Open Town Hall service. Discussion of Owen Ambur's suggestion to publish the town's comprehensive plan in StratML format begins at minute 8:20 of the televideo meeting recording. Members of the committee expressed interest in following up on the suggestion.
    • On July 4, 2020, Joe Carmel updated the Perl script that generates from the sitemap listing a hyperlinked index of StratML files sorted by Web domain, with edit links that open the files in an XForm. The code is available on GitHub.
    • On July 13, 2020, Betsy Fanning advised of completion of the transition of responsibily for the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO Technical Committee 171, Subcommmittee 2 and associated standards programs to the the PDF Association, Inc. The StratML standard (ISO 17469-1) was specified under the auspices of TC 171 and a presence for the StratML Committee is being established on the PDF Association's site.
    • On July 14, 2020, Owen Ambur, Chris Fox, and Allyson Ugarte conductd a virtual meeting with Ofira Bondorowsky and Stephen Rockwell of Charity Navigator to follow up on the conversation initiated in January 2016 concerning prospects for reporting performance indicators in StratML format. While no commitments were made, Owen expressed interest in ingesting into Jorge Sanchez's portal all of the files in the StratML collection for charitable organizations, and Stephen expressed interest in exploring how Charity Navigator might leverage such data.
    • On October 1, 2020, Owen Ambur submitted a statement for the record of the October 6 hearing of the Hilton Head Town Council on the update to the town's comprehensive plan.
    • On October 3, 2020, Jorge Sanchez of Vionta published a document entitled "Strategy Planning (StratML): Getting started with the strategic planning standard"
    • On November 2, 2020, Owen Ambur spoke briefly during the Data Coalition | Data Foundation online forum concerning Federal Data Strategy priorities for 2021. His talking points are available here and his oral remarks begin at the 3:16 minute of the audio/video recording.


    • On July 12, 2021, Owen Ambur created a demonstration of the capability to execute Bing queries to discover references to organizations on the Web based upon their GUIDs in StratML documents. References to goals and objectives can also be discovered via their StratML GUIDs.
    • On July 26 & 27, 2021, Owen Ambur imported into Chris Fox's StratNavApp and made publicly accessible the 2018 versions of the U.S. federal agency strategic plans as well as the accountability reports for a number of South Carolina state agencies. On July 27, he posted notice on LinkedIn.
    • On August 4, 2021, at the Balisage conference, Alex Jitianu used a StratML file in his presentation demonstrating new editing features in Oxygen.
    • On August 6, 2021, Owen Ambur added a Bing site-specific query feature to the site.
    • On August 20, 2021, Jeff Maynard of Turn-Key Systems provided a sample StratML file converted to PDF using TopLeaf and the stylesheet developed by John Barker, who has retired his StratML-to-PDF conversion service.
    • On November 9, 2021, Owen Ambur spoke briefly during the Data Coalition's chief data officers form. His talking points are available in PPTX & PDF.
    • On November 9, 2021, Adnan Akbar fixed the import from URL feature of the Part 1 & Part 2 forms as well as the Edit links in Joe Carmel's StratML catalog and Owen Ambur's hypertext listing of the StratML collection. What caused those features to stop working recently is unknown.
    • On November 16, 2021, Owen Ambur began drafting a plan for the development of a basic StratML query service. Others invited to join him in using Chris Fox's StratNavApp to collaboratively flesh it out.


    • On February 9, 2022, Owen Ambur briefed the Data Foundation staff. Here are the talking points he prepared for discussion.
    • On February 28, 2022, Nick Hart of the Data Foundation transmitted a letter to the President's Management Council (PMC) encouraging agencies to comply with section 10 of GPRAMA with respect to the updates to their strategic plans due this month.
    • In May 2022 Kranthi Kiran Pulluru and Owen Ambur began exploring prospects for extending ThougthFlow to provide a StratML query service. Here's a screen shot of Kranthi's rendition of a StratML Query Service User Story Map in ThoughtFlow. Here's one that shows his rendition of a user goal, activity, and story. Owen's draft technical development plan is available in StratML format. Comments about it are available in a Google discussion forum.
    • On May 25, 2022, Kranthi Kiran made available a ThoughtFlow rendition of the StratML query service development plan as well as a short video explaining it.
    • During 2022 Gayanthika Udeshani of Typefi Systems explored prospects for converting the State of South Carolina Agency Accountability reports to StratML format. They are currently available as Excel in .zip files - File 1 & File 2 While she was able to transform some of the data in the spreadsheets, completing the project apparently involved too much complexity and effort.


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